
Auriel abilities
Auriel abilities

Unbeknownst to the young Auriel who had just lived his seventh year, Valam had long since been sharing her immense power with the boy, essentially forcing him to become a Solar Dragon Slayer. Such tasks often varied from those that seemed merely such as being forced to spend excessive hours bathing in the rays of the sun, to being pitted against the various creatures that inhabited what had long since been known as the “dead zone” due to the immense amounts of solar radiation that had devastated and mutated the landscape. In the boys youth, the dragon would begin these training sessions be placing him in adverse situations forcing him to kill or be killed, she’d often scold him if he did wrong in these training sessions or reward him if he did well. It was from this point forward that the dragon back to train the boys in the ways of a predator, primal, vicious and unrelenting. It is for this reason that the dragon, reputed as the physical manifestation of the sun itself took the young child as its own, transferring him to its nest, atop the mountains. Dragon’s are beings of immense magical connections and capabilities and thus one would surely be able to recognize any latent magical potential in a human. "Īuriel was born in a desert in the region of Fiore, before he was taken by a dragon as a baby, and flown to her nest. " Auriel, this is my parting gift to you Ishgar shall burn. In order to accomplish this, he first must seek out the Dragon Slayer's who so dare to claim the power of dragon's for themselves. When angered however its not that he doesn't know what he’s doing, but rather he doesn’t care, he anger overcomes his every instinct until all before him is conquered.Īfter the merger of his and and vengeful Valam's soul, Auriel grew darker and more draconic, seeking to simply wreck havoc on ishgar as a whole, destroying order and seeking to return in to the primal state of centuries past. When he is truly enraged, Auriel loses all sense of bonds or companions, ever person becomes an enemy, a target for his destruction. This wrath is mainly associated with his anger. Deep inside him, is a part of Auirel that crave’s bloodshed and destruction. The more, hidden side of Auriel’s personality is that of wrath.


This mantra is what fuels his disgust for the magic council as he believes that they gain from the struggle of others, without doing any of the work themselves, it is this code that has caused the Magic Council to label him a terrorist, in fear of what he might do. His compassion is limited for strictly the deceased more specifically those who have been struck down by his hand, as he believes that those who live and die an honorable death, that of which comes by combat, are worth more compassion than those who simply live their life and grow old. This compassion however does not mean that he will instantly drop what he is doing to help just any body, no quite the contrary. The first and more prominent of his personality, is the emotion of compassion. As it consists entirely of two emotions compassion, and rage. The Bloody Eclipse has a rather straightforward personality, however his personality is extremely polarizing. Auriel describing the extremes of his personality " I am Air and Thought He is a weapon a killer"

Auriel abilities